Jacob Cable

Status: looking for family

In our last post, we told the story of Charles Wesley Cable, father to Harry Cable, who was husband to Mae Hewitt, who was the daughter of George Hewitt, who was the son of Mary Humphries Hewitt and also the husband of the the granddaughter of Catherine Dolbow.

Yeah...it's a big family. And we aren't done yet.

In this post, we have the honor of meeting Charles Wesley Cable’s father, Jacob.

In 1860, 35-year-old Jacob, his wife Sarah, and their two children Mary and Charles were living in Upper Penns Neck Township in New Jersey - no surprise, if you've been following this family series from the start. But neither the 1860 nor the 1850 census give us a good glimpse into Jacob's life. For that, I turned to Newspapers.com.

Jacob was, ostensibly, a well-known steamboat captain who piloted the "Balloon" between Wilmington and Pennsgrove.

In Charles Wesley and Barbara Cable's 50th anniversary notice (which you can read in Charles' post) much was said about their fathers: Jacob Cole (Barbara's father) and our Jacob Cable:

Both men met extremely unfortunate ends, Jacob Cable dying just a few years after the above photo of him was taken.

Unfortunately finding an obituary or notice of death for him proved difficult, as did finding his FindaGrave profile. If you find any of these, please comment below!


Elizabeth Cole Clark


Charles Wesley Cable