Hannah Slingluff Davis

Status: looking for family

This is a munch anticipated beginning of a long series of posts, covering at least 6 people, photographed in at least 10 photos all round together at Blue Peacock Antiques in Winchester, VA. This family apparently loved to have their photos taken!

The story begins with the matriarch of the family, Hannah Amanda Slingluff Davis. 

Hannah was born in 1838 to William Henry Slingluff and Elizabeth Ulrich Schlater. She grew up in White Marsh and Lower Providence Townships in Montgomery County, PA, just northwest of Philadelphia, along with her eight siblings. One of those siblings, the youngest of the bunch, was Margaret Slingluff Kindy (her photo was also found in the bunch!)

Around 1865, Hannah married Charles Davis, a farmer from the same township, and with him had five children: John (b. 1865), Elizabeth (b. 1867), Charlotte (b. 1871), Hannah (b. 1872), and Sarah Ellen (b. 1874). Hannah and Charles remained in Lower Providence Township all their lives, until Hannah’s death in 1906 and Charles’ death in 1910. 

Unfortunately there is not much more information to share about Hannah - surely not enough information to match the amount of photos I have of her! But her legacy will live on through the stories of each of her children, whose photos were also found alongside Hannah’s.

Hannah is buried at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Cemetery Oaks, PA.

From left to right: Hannah and Charles; Hannah (center) and her three daughters; the backside of the middle photo with labels


Margaret Slingluff Kindy


Esther Cable Crispin